Friday, June 26, 2009

June Updates!

Hey everyone....updates to update!
  • have gotten good responses for clothing drive help on 14th after church (anyone still welcome last minute that day)
  • Also great responses for Breakfast help on 20th! thank you! we are good to go as any more could get too crowded in kitchen. If you have responded to me prior to today, consider yourself welcome! Thanks
  • Still available slots on Drop In center at this point.....Friday 19th, Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th? 8:30-2pm

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April CCO Meeting notes:

4/26 meeting Calvary Community Outreach


  1. PRAY (Ron)
  2. Prayer Mtg. attendance- still the most important aspect of this ministry to allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide and power. Ron has attended a variety or mix of days and has seen the majority of team also there! Thank you!
  3. Reflection on breakfast – got our feet wet, introduced ourselves,
  1. 2-3 share “the fruit” from that day? Need for a bike was immed. met and an upgrade was given by local bike shop owner! Several people joined us for church that day and one couple is still attending and are now part of our outreach team!
  1. Thank you team needed? Kristin, Kathy, ??? egg farmer thanks- Kathy and Kristen will form a “thank you/ follow up blessing” for those from outside of our church that help fill needs. i.e. Drew Mosher/egg farmer that donated all of the eggs for the Avery Park breakfast …contact Kristen and Kathy if you would like to help or have ideas…1 more person needed for future
  1. Conv. Visit- same day
  1. prayers for Larabees- Keep Rick and Karla in prayer as Ricks mother and father have recently passed into His Kingdom
  2. songs, teaching, story/devotion, solo song Becca- small group joined Larabees last month to minister and were equally blessed ! encouraged more to join
  3. nxt time Stonybrook 5/3
  1. Misc. Ministry going on /completed
  1. Med Shed – LoveInc needed someone to run Medical hardware garage on Thursday am’s. This is where our church was blessed by a free wheelchair. Jeremy, John and Bill were trained and have filled that need!
  2. Moving Debby Seeley- A “last minute” small team of men from our church led by Joe B. picked up a house full of furniture and appliances from someone who had passed away and got to play Santa by redistributing to various needy families on same day. Thanks Guys….great work!
  3. Old Mill/ Alison Payne ??? status, help? Connection trouble with parties involved to move several loads to the dump have been given back to Love Inc but may come back to Cully and college students nxt wk. as they are doing an all campus help team.
  4. Clothing drive coming- plz start collecting warm and cool clothes as both will be needed to redistribute to the need this coming summer and nxt fall 2-3 people needed to head this up (contact Ron if interested)….churchwide announcement to come
  5. Homeless fair in Eugene driver help/ride shotgun FRIDAY 5/22- 9:30-2ish 3-4 needed to ride with Matt Kimmels team from southtown church this day and help supervise with him. They have vans already. Contact Ron and he will get you in touch with Matt.
  6. Firewood ministry – 2 -3 jobs completed----more wood here/ prop location? Wk w/ John L – trucks/ trailers here at church- Casey and Mikiah will be heading a small team over nxt couple of wknds to cut and store firewood from community and bring to a designated spot on our church property. This wood will prayerfully be multiplied in months to come and redistributed to those in need next winter. City supply ran out last winter.
  7. 21 yr old abused girl nds temp home- someone has stepped fwd. for emergency/temporary housing for this week and is working w/ Rhawn to help locate longer term arrangements. Thank You both ! Pray that this young lady would come to know the Lord thru the love of Christ! Contact Rhawn or Ron if you have ideas how to help…


  1. Project Action – m-f 10- 12 am under downtown Starbucks

Mentors needed to help needy clients seek/obtain needed services.

  1. Housing, Jobs, Pers. ID, Filling out forms etc….
  2. individual ministry representing our outreach team

VII. Stone Soup – First Christian Church 5th/Madison- Tu dinner/ Sat.bkfst/ Su. Dinner

  1. one meal – once month- one wk/3 days or???
  2. full kitchen utilization prep/cook/serve/clean/---doggy boxes even set up
  3. food donated AND/OR WE BRING!
  4. Central location for needy….they come there to us!
  5. Tracy, Tracy, Natalie, Randy add anything?
  6. No evang/proselytizing – drives them away or non returns/ “conditions“ felt….prayer corner? Or outside? Will ask…..This could lead to outside BBQ’S where we may evang. !
  1. set up /serve/ monitor coffee, water, donated baked goods
  2. needy come there- central location
  3. donation table – personal distribution –
  4. church grp takes 1 week coverage – sign ups
  5. churches sign up for 1 week coverage at a time …curr. 6/15-19 and/or 6/22-26?
  6. bike repair/ haircuts????? Possible w/God?
  7. Again…no pros/evang on site….meet/visit/know/ trust for outside opps for sharing Lord. Prayer???
  8. Denise/ Cully share???

Notes for VI,VII,VIII – These are opportunities that I (and our mtg. attendees )believe that we can help out with going forward.

Project Action is something you may do on an individual basis and can just go there one day to investigate or start helping as the Lord leads! Several have mentioned a desire to help in this area and sounds like this is already set up to meet these needs.

Stone Soup is something we all agreed we’d like to try and Ron will look into available dates ahead. Most likely will do a Sat. breakfast in June since we still have a truckload of coffee, pancake mix, and syrup left from last month.! In meantime a few have gone down at dinner time to get aquainted with kitchen and procedures and observe other church teams methods.. Would like to see a few do same for Sat. breakfasts so when our turn comes, we will be prepped! Biggest thing I believe with this type of ministry that will be that WE SERVE GUESTS AT TABLES AND SIT AND EAT WITH THEM ! This got most comments from guests and I believe will lead to Lords timing for evangelism outside of Stone Soup in future days as we learn their names and their stories!

Unfortunately evangelism nor praying with (not for) individuals is not allowed on the premises for any of these 3 areas. I believe God will provide opps. in our small city still.

Drop In Center was well received at our mtg. as something we can do semi regular and practically. I have signed us up for 6/15- 6/19 and we are “penciled in” for 6/22- 6/26 should we get enough help. (also prayerfully consider doing Stone Soup breakfast on Sat. in between…6/20…?) current sign ups and openings are:

Mon. 6/15- Peter and Matt Fricke, 6/22- ????? and ????

Tues. 6/16- Bill Johnson and ???? 6/23- ????? and ?????

Wed. 6/17 – Lee Edward and ???? 6/24- ???? and ?????

Thurs. 6/18- Laura Miller and ???? 6/25 – Lionel and ????

Fri. 6/19- David Halverson and ???? 6/26 – Jerry and Denis B.

We are also envisioning these areas of help turning into “in the park” BBQ’s and Bible studies/prayer/evangelism as well as a Sunday Transport team from this location to Calvary service and baptisms in the summer months!

Just dreaming the dreams of God !)


Your response to any of this is welcome!


Ron W.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Avery Park Homeless Outreach

The Avery park outreach to the homeless today was a spectacular time of serving and loving while being blessed as we worked together also.

There were several things going on:

A Breakfast of eggs, pancakes and fruit salad with orange juice and hot coffee to drink

A table full of free socks, bags, backpacks, toiletries, sweatshirts and jackets were being given, and gladly received.

Help with minor bike repairs

Free haircuts!

Good fellowship and encouragement

Prayer of encouragement, as we invited whoever wanted to come with us to church. And there were a handful that came along to morning service at Calvary Chapel Corvallis with us!!

None of which without all of you servants would have been possible.

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers. because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that yo may be active in sharing of your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." Philemon 1:4-6

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Call

During the week of fasting and prayer God gave us a picture of His glory and let His voice be known that a new ministry would spring out of His heart into ours. It is a blessing to share that burden with every one of you. The new ministry is called Calvary Community Outreach and is a group of people who want their hearts to beat for what makes God's heart beat, and break for what breaks His heart. Ron and Monique have birthed this new ministry to the homeless, elderly and those in need in our community and this is the place for you to come and keep up with what is going on.

This is a call to the faithful men and women of Calvary Chapel Corvallis to link arms and join with us as we carry out in obedience, wherever He leads, and to bless whoever He calls us to bless.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Calendar of Events

Click on the individual events to see the all the details.

our mission:

To go out into the community of Corvallis (and the world) helping those in need for the glory of Christ, proclaiming His love and life to our city.

What can you do?

There is always something to do, some examples are:
*help with moving
*giving rides
*letting someone stay with you
*loving on children
*Lunch for the homeless

Every single person is vital, even if you think you can't give much- what you give means more than you could ever guess to the person you are serving.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, please fill out the complete form below:

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contact information:

Do you have something to say? We'd love to hear from you, pick the best option to contact us:

Facebook: calvary community outreach
Phone: Ron: 541.760.5941 or Amanda: 541.760.0744